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Knowledge Adventure Knowledge Adventure Science Adventure Sports Adventure From Windham Hill . . . What's New This Month? New Sampler The Impressionists Windham Hill Jazz Music Video: Andy Narell Games & Entertainment About This Section Compton's Grammys Uncle Sam's Budget Balancer Screen Savers & Tools Ball Blank Now Hot Spot! Screen Saver Activator Man Your Stations! Destroyer for Windows Search & Destroy Sociedy HighFive About This Section BackDrop CHPAPER(S) DESKTOP-Bitmap Randomizer Paper Hanger Paperback Writer Wallpaper Manager Coffee Mug Industry News It's News to Me! COMDEX '92 Preview Newsbytes Reports Window on WUGNET NDW 2.0 Demo Membership Information Events Calendar Interactions About This Section Digital Video Computing Runtime programs & drivers Bill Gates Firstlight Video Clips Multimedia It's a New Section! 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Rainier Japanese Garden Window Details The Pink House Queen Victoria Morning Star Villa London Transport Big Ben British Magpies Piper of Portree E-Gallery Multimedia Madness Banff 1 Big Falls Bird Boat Cliffs Cedar3 Rocks TOC Index (x = (x = doRemoteCmd what 4nautWindow sysLockscreen )()); "ToolBook" default goNautWindow() 4nautHandle, tempList "NAUTILUS Startup, Link" nautID fNameList "startup.tbk,link. nautBook = 0) findWindow(0, = 0) "Unable locate Please asure " && \ xminimized restart your showWindow( = 0) ()); setActiveWindow( 4homeBook, should be only generated entered %a 2nd instance X"user" "Couldn't load USER.EXE" & try restarting "xxx" c"File" c"Edit" c"Text" c"Page" c"Help" quitFromTOC"; handler received remotely quits quitFromHome -- so mhInit mhInitPage mhSaveAs -- traps ( older versions) doSwitch setNautHandle initTOC enterSystem leaveButton leaveSystem quitFromHome keyDown mhInit enterButton mhInitPage doSwitch doRemoteCmd setNautHandle initTOC nautWindow goNautWindow enterButton rectangle leaveButton rectangle keyDown doRemoteCmd nautWindow ToolBook goNautWindow default nautWindow nautWindow NAUTILUS Startup,NAUTILUS Link nautID startup.tbk,link.tbk nautBook findWindow Unable to locate NAUTILUS book. 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